8 Tips to Prepare For a Long E-Bike Ride for the First Time
If you've ever taken a long-distance e-bike ride, you know how unbelievably grueling it can be on the body and mind. But that doesn't stop people from trying them. From this beginner's perspective,...

The Difference between Foldable Chain Locks and U Locks
Most people enjoy going on a bike ride. After all, one of the best feelings one can experience is the wind touching your face and your hair flying as you race down a road. It's even applicable t...

Spare Parts You Should Carry for Your Electric Bicycle
If you are out on your electric bicycle on the road, you are placing yourself at risk for a sort of incident or mishap. While being careful can prevent major accidents from happening, smaller ac...

4 Useful Tips if You Want to Safely Bike with Your Dog
If you’re looking for an activity you can do with your beloved pet, you should try bike riding with them. But how can you enjoy riding a folding electric bike and bonding with your dog at the s...

Best Gifts for Electric Bikers for the Holidays
The holidays are just around the corner, and many of us are trying to figure out what to get those special people in our lives. For an increasing number of individuals, ebikes play a major role in ...

5 Crucial Tips for Riding Your E-Bike Safely in the Rain
Bicycling in the rain might be more complicated than biking on a bright day due to slick roads, stinging winds, and limited visibility. However, a few drops of rain should not prevent you from v...