Lower Back Pain and Cycling - What You Should Know
Considering how bikers work their legs quite hard on those pedals, many people assume that knee injuries are the most common when it comes to cycling - whether on a regular bicycle or electric b...

You never forget how to ride a bike, and many seniors are re-finding the joy and healthy exercise that riding can bring. This is particularly true with ebikes which can take some of the stress off ...

Common Causes of Hip and Butt Pain while Riding E-Bikes
Riding your ebike to work is quite convenient and can even act as a quick morning workout. However, when you're cycling for quite some time, you can't help but feel some pain or discomfort on y...

How Electric Bikes Can Be Used for Sports Rehabilitation
The main appeal of electric bikes is that they give you an extended range compared to traditional bikes with a lesser environmental impact than cars and other motor vehicles. But that's not wher...

Cycling Together: The Benefits of Working Out with a Partner
Working out is great for your health and your mood, but that doesn’t mean it is easy to make daily exercise a habit. It’s all too easy to find a reason to skip a day, or two, or more. But, studies ...

Is It Really Worth Using an Electric Bike to Exercise
Biking is a good form of exercise in itself. If you aren’t used to cycling, or you’re not in a very bikeable neighborhood, you can always use an electric bike. It still provides you with a means...